Registration is open!

Dear NACT Members, Friends, and Colleagues


The 19th Nordic Experience Meeting, organized by Nordic Association for Convulsive Therapy (NACT) will take place on April 09-11, 2025.  This year, NACT welcomes participants to the Paasitorni Conference Center in Helsinki, Finland, to participate in a three-day brain health program specializing in ECT and brain stimulation, and the opportunity to reconnect with their peers and revitalize their practice.

This time, we draw attention to the latest scientific research and modern clinical experiences and bring it all together under the theme “Tailored Approach in ECT and Brain Stimulation”. Several key specialists from all over the world will contribute to the conference by presenting their research and sharing their clinical experience. In addition to scientific lectures, NACT will carry on the tradition of integrating clinical, practical, and scientific knowledge together by panel discussions after each topic as well as by holding scientific dinners and other activities.

We encourage participants to bring their own poster presentations, both on scientific topics as well as introducing the practical aspects of their own ECT units. These posters will be visible throughout the conference and their presenters are available for discussions during the Poster Session. Please, send the abstracts of posters in advance! The best poster will be awarded a worthy prize! For more information on practical aspects of poster session, please contact NACT secretary, Margus Lõokene (

Register online by clicking here.

If you have any difficulties with the online registration process or have other practical questions about the conference, please contact conference manager Per Karlsten ( or secretary Margus Lõokene (

After the registration to the conference, you only need to find a suitable transport to the conference center Paasitorni ( From thereafter, NACT will take the full care of you on site – accommodation, meals, activities – all are included in the registration fee.

Visit our website to stay updated! The conference program is available on the NACT website.


We look forward to welcoming you to Helsinki!


On behalf of NACT board,


Margus Lõokene

Secretary of NACT


Kaija Järventausta

Chairman of NACT  

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